Westvleteren 12 Review

It’s been a while since our last beer review, so this week Master beer-sampler-person Mark Whelan reviews Westvletern 12 for your viewing pleasure.

Westvleteren 12 (yellow cap) (formerly Abt), a 10.2% ABV, was introduced in 1940. Highlighted as “Best Beer in the World”, this beer is brewed by Belgian Trappist Monks of the Abbey of Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren. It is not sold commercially, brewing is limited and is bloody hard to get a hold of.

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The beer pours a cloudy rich brown colour, the head looking somewhere between the inside of a crunchie and bread.

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The aroma is fruity with a deep hint of caramel. The first taste is sweet with figs and dates with the caramel coming through to finish it off. The beer is quite fizzy, which helps the bittersweet flavor. After a few sips you get an idea of the alcohol content (10.2%), but in no way does it ruin the overall awesomeness of this beer!


By Mark Whelan

Reference Links:

Westvleteren 12: http://www.westvleteren12.com/

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